
You can find my research statement here.

Job Market Paper

  1. The Spillover Effects of Prisoner Releases: Evidence from Ecuador
    Daniel Jaramillo

Working Papers


  1. Climate Change and Female Targeted Conflict
    Siwan Anderson, and Daniel Jaramillo


  1. Gangs, Truce, and their Impact on Firms: Evidence from El Salvador
    Daniel Jaramillo, and Phillip Keefer

Work in Progress

  • Religious Violence in Africa (with Siwan Anderson and Sara Benetti)
  • Long-Term Effects of Missionary Activity on Conflict: Evidence from Ghana (with Siwan Anderson)
  • The Role of Neighborhoods and Prisons in Building Criminal Networks
  • Reducing Sentence Disparities by Ingroup Contact

Book Chapters

  • Abuso de Poder de Mercado en Situación de Dependencia Económica. (2016). 1st. Ed., Quito, Ecuador: SCPM. (with Vicente Abril; Eduardo Esparza; and Ricardo Freire).

Pre-doctoral work (in Spanish)

  • POBREZAECU: A Stata module to forecast poverty in Ecuador (2018). Statistical Software Components. Boston College Department of Economics. [Repec Link]

  • El Efecto de la Gran Recesion sobre la Oferta Laboral en Ecuador (2017). Atlantic Review of Economics, Colexio de Economistas de Coruña, Spain and Fundación Una Galicia Moderna, vol. 1, pages 1-1, June. (with Nicolas Acosta and Ramiro Mejia) [Paper]

  • Dependencia económica: el caso ecuatoriano (2016). Economía y Política. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad de Cuenca., Vol. 24, pages 34-63. (with Nicolas Acosta and Ramiro Mejia) [Paper]